Online workshops

When a graphologist analyses a handwriting specimen, s/he is faced with a picture of the psychology of the writer at the time of writing the specimen, i.e. what the writer has become; how s/he behaves at PRESENT; this being the EFFECT of life experiences.
The workshop explores the graphological features which indicate various types of intelligences.

This 5 hour workshop examines the correlation between drawings of trees, doodles and handwriting to reveal personality traits.

This short course, introduces  the student to the analysis of children's drawing in conjunction with the analysis and interpretation of handwriting.

Increasingly, graphologists are faced with printed specimens of writing. The workshop explores various forms of printed writing and the approach to an analysis thereof

Each feature revealed in a handwriting is only a clue and should never be regarded in isolation. A disciplined professional graphologist will never jump to conclusions but rather balance and counterbalance features until an integrated picture develops. The Clustering Refresher course provides a system which aids the graphologist in ensuring an integrated approach and is a must for any serious and responsible graphologist.

The workshop explores the methodology of establishing the compatibility between individuals in a business relationships and uncovers possible complementary characteristics and potential conflict areas. It deals with intellect, social, leadership and integrity.
Stress has become pandemic in modern living and often manifests itself in a variety of ways in the individual. This workshop deals with the indicators and degree of stress in handwriting.

There are degrees and types of dishonesty and circumstances play a significant role in its manifestation. The workshop covers the main forms and degrees of dishonesty from unintentional dishonesty to deliberate forms of dishonesty; handwriting features suggesting dishonesty and the psychological interpretation of the handwriting features.